Currents Vinyl Redesign

Always inspired his layers of sounds, this Tame Impala Currents record album redesign speaks to his musical style of the album of psychedelic, wavy and unique sounds. By using a scanner, I was able to manipulate type creating the wave effect seen and then taking it further by working with the bright colors that appeared in the scan.

Approaching the project thoughtfully and intentionally, I started by creating a moodboard and mind maps to visualize the visuals that came to mind while listening to the music. I also worked on creating an animation for the song "Past Life," which was my initial inspiration for the project. This guided the rest of my decisions for the project, including the overall look and feel. Animating lyrics helped enhance the experience of the song and make the lyrics more memorable to the audience.

This is what then lead me to the scanner. I played around with the colors and movement trying to manipulate the type and seeing what looked best. Below is some of my scanning process.

Mindmap & Moodboard

Process Scans


Capri Waterice Rebrand


My Play Habits: Data Visualization